Maria Karekla

This workshop will cover the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for increasing well-being in individuals suffering from a variety of health related problems (e.g. smoking, chronic pain). ACT is a third wave cognitive behavioral treatment. It is based on the view that most psychological difficulties and suffering are a result of experiential avoidance and fusion with literal thinking getting in the way of value guided action and living. ACT teaches clients how to connect with their values, become more mindful and accepting of the world within (thoughts, memories, experiences, sensations) and move towards valued action and change in their lives. Concepts will be illustrated using live demonstrations, experiential exercises (acceptance, mindfulness, defusion), metaphors, and worksheets. This workshop is designed to teach basic skills needed to explore ACT as an assessment model and intervention method. It will be both didactic and experiential and will balance an understanding of the model with a personal connection with the issues raised in ACT, and with skill development. Through this workshop participants will learn: 1) The basic tenets and core processes of ACT and how they can be applied to improve well-being in individuals with health related problems; 2) The ACT model of health related difficulties; 3) How to use mindfulness, acceptance, experiential exercises, metaphors and defusion techniques to bring about health behavior change and improve well-being. Activities: Introduction, Basic tenets and core processes of ACT, Techniques used in ACT for health behavior change, Case examples and how to implement ACT into practice, Research evidence on the application of ACT for health related problems, Closing/Q&A. This seminar would be suitable for any health psychology researcher or practitioner interested in learning a new model and method of intervention.

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